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a login box with arrow and a green door symbolizing the cannabis industry of Pure For Life's CBD business.


A glass filled with CBD oil and a THC leaf all on a white dish.

So what’s the lowdown on The Low Low?

Welcome to our technical blog based on our botanical extraction process, the PBX STANDARD established by PURE5. Recreating nature’s goodness in highly concentrated oils can only be achieved using low pressure and low temperature. So, since weā€™re as clever as we are, we decided to name our blog, The Low Low, in honor of the […]

A relaxed woman waiting for hemp oil and a massage.

The Different Uses and Applications of CBD

There are over 100 different cannabinoids in the marijuana plant. Scientifically known as cannabis sativa, the plant is generally associated with two molecules, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). Among the most abundant of the chemical compounds is CBD, which may account for almost half of the plantā€™s extracts. When the compounds are separated, each has […]

A flask with cannabidiol oil in the hand of a scientist with hemp plant on background.

Independent Lab Results Prove PURE5 R134a Extraction Creates Industry-Leading Hemp Oils

PURE5TM shares independent, third-party lab results of its extracts and is ready to compare to those created by other extraction technologies. The results prove that the PURE5 R134a extraction technology creates a far more superior extract that can be produced quickly, while achieving higher yield at a lower operations cost compared to other extraction techniques […]

A blossomed cannabis plant.


The holiday season can sometimes be chaotic and stressful. It shouldnā€™t be that way the entire time, but standing in long lines at stores, hosting family dinners, and dealing with everything in between can cause a lot of tension. However, there are many moments filled with love, fun and excitement.  If you want to find […]

Green Staff of Hermes with cannabis plant on the top.


Pure For Life offers CBD products that are made from true full-spectrum CBD essential oils. What makes this company so special, is its ability to preserve all health benefits in the natural oil of the plant, all that while keeping the products undamaged and unaltered. Their team is committed to the well-being of the consumer […]

A couples of cannabis leaves on a dark background

DEA says Hemp Derived CBD Oil Products are Federally Legal

DEA Clarifies Cannabinoids Legality The Drug Enforcement Agency released an internal directive regarding the presence of cannabinoids in products and materials made form the Cannabis plant this week. In essence the directive of guidance for staff and field agents in the department clarified the (already understood by many in the hemp industry) position that cannabinoids […]

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